Funding Support for SMEs

The Government may co-fund up to 50% of your marketing costs up to a maximum of $5000 per year per business. The business must pay at least half of your marketing advice/training programme costs. This is a fantastic opportunity for existing business owners who need to improve their marketing and are committed to growing their business. The scheme makes our development programme easily accessible.

How can SMEs get funding support?

You will need to complete an assessment with a Regional Business Partners assessor to determine whether you should be granted funding support. You will need to complete an online application and then RBPN will contact you to organise an interview.  They will consider your proposal for support from us, and determine how much they are able to fund.  This is at the discretion of the RBPN assessor and will be up to 50% of the costs of your marketing programme, to a maximum of $5000. 

Contact us to help you prepare for your application and understand more about your eligibility. 

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for capability funding a business must:

  • Operating with 50 or less full-time employees.
  • Be GST registered in New Zealand.
  • Operating in a commercial environment – i.e. is currently trading.
  • Be privately owned or a Māori Trust or
  • Incorporation under the Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Māori assets under multiple ownership.
  • Have undergone assessment by a Regional Business Partner.
  • Demonstrate commitment to improving management capability. Indicators of commitment include the fact they have sought advice, have worked through the assessment process and are willing to co-fund capability building activities and make the required time commitment.
  • Have an identified gap in its capability that can be addressed through management capability building and training.
  • Additionally, if you are exporting, have export potential or part of an export supply chain, this can help your application positively

Need funding support? Get in touch now!

Get in touch now and we can take you through the evaluation process to see whether you qualify for funding support.